Sunday, August 21, 2011

Billy Update

So Billy has almost fully recovered. We have been fighting to find the right balance of food and supplements in order to curb his puking and help him gain more weight.


However he is back to smacking the 75 pound dog in the face, jumping on his sister Jayne's back and trying to ride her like a bucking Bronco when she gets uppity, and demanding to explore the front porch. In fact I was in the back bedroom when my fiance comes tearing in screaming "Billy is on the ROOF and he will NOT come down!"

I went out there to see Billy calmly standing in the rain gutter gazing fully amused at Crash wringing his hands and demanding I DO something.

I took one look at him and said "William Mercutio ******* you come down RIGHT now!"

He was inside the house in 15 seconds flat.

Crash kept saying "I called and tried treated and yelling and nothing worked!"

My friend who had seen the entire thing said "KJ used the mama voice. Mama says move it, you MOVE!"

His food still needs to be pureed and emulsified with fish oils and water (oh the smell, the horrible horrible smell)

And he still gets High Calorie Supplementation that my vet friend managed to get me "Veterinarian Strength" I asked if it was a RX he looks at me confused and says "No just simpler ingredients and cheaper in bulk"

As if I am supposed to just KNOW these things.

Billy actually comes RUNNING when he hears the cap being unscrewed. Who would have thought Fish oils, black strap molasses and vitamins would be a favorite treat. It Also has the added side effect of curbing his horking up of food. The vet thinks he was processing hairballs. Whatever, as long as this stops the constant never ending piles of partially digested cat food which I usually found barefoot at Midnight going to the can.


Saturday, August 6, 2011

Billy is on the mend!!!

So its been a long time of prozac, doxycycline and Famotidine and we finally got whatever Billy had wrong with him KICKeD!

He will have to eat wet food from now on (more fat) and gets Nutro Max mixed in and also has to take antacid (or he throws up dry food)

But he is eating 2 cans of food a day trying to recover his fighting weight.

He looks GREAT.

Thank you so much for all your calls, emails, notes and prayers.

KJ and Chris