Thursday, July 14, 2011

Look who is up!

Billy is up and feeling better it seems! He is on Twice daily Doxycyline and twice daily prednisone. Also thrice daily lactlose...but after this AM of him having liquid #2 the vet and I decided to dial down the lactolose to 1/2 ml twice a day and 1/2 tsp raw pumpkin mixed in with his food twice a day. He is still getting 200 units suc cu fluids once a day (what a trooper!) AND finally 3 tsp Max Cal a day (which he LOVES so at least that and the pumpkin/wet food PUREE isn't difficult to get him to eat!)

Hopefully since he really isn't eating solids yet it will keep him hydrated AND help him not to become impacted again.

He slept with me all night only getting up to go potty (yes, freaky fur mom woke up when he got up and followed him...I also wake up when the dog has nightmares ok?!)

He is walking on his own and prefers to walk after me, only wanting to be carried by the end of the day when he is tired.

Currently he is asleep behind my head on the chair purring and putting his paw on my neck every few minutes (as if to make sure I know he is there)

THANK YOU to everyone who donated, wrote letters, called, listened to me sobbing on the phone, gave us rides, lent us carriers, and let us do mounds of puked and pooped on laundry in their washing machines!

Also on a special note, although it was too late for her to help me thank you to Shamrock Fund for giving me the idea to apply for Care credit with a co-signer and for calling our vet and getting them to give us a discount. We will hopefully be making some money for you and SANS soon! Thank you especially to Paula and Margot Hoyt, Sara (you are freaking amazing!) Wolfkens from Reddit, Amber Coon from SANS (Spay and Neuter Syracuse) Coriander, Chris' coworkers for helping him finish early to take us to the vet, Chris' brother Jeff for giving us a ride for Billy's emergency dimpaction, Ken at Erie Petco for giving me the MaxCal and wet food advice, The entire Cripple Crew for writing, calling and listening (you know who you are!!!) and my Long Hair Community Rebels "Grouchcore forever!"

I am forgetting someone, or some group I am sure, but know that Billy and his peon er..I mean Mama thank you.

KJ and Billy da Bear


1 comment:

  1. I am so glad he is feeling better. I check fb and elsewhere for updates whenever I can at work. Hugs to all of you. I hope the stress lets up a bit now!
